Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Moving forward with The soup garden farm idea.

Moving forward with The soup garden farm idea, in the Redding and Anderson, California area.

Hello folks.
I write a lot about calmness of mind and lately I have been developing a idea on Facebook, “The soup garden farm idea“. the conversations I have engaged  in with many of you, the readers, is humbling. My conversation about practicing and maintaining calmness of mind is my personal search for a understanding of myself, the world and all it contains. I have been sharing this exploration with you. My conversations with you my friends while on this journey…. Well… I couldn’t have made it this far with out you! You folks.. knowing you are out there and that we share so many interests and concerns in common…well, it really calms my mind…I sense that it calms some of you to, dear friends…. Our online activities and exchanges really  inspire me…you, have given me the strength through positive feedback and input to strive to create a organization truly focused on bettering humanity.

This is where I am at now.
 I have been caretaking this house, I fixed it up before I  moved in several years ago. Now, I water all the shrubs, the flowers and keep the grass and various invasive plants mowed down. I have intermittent work that keeps me just above broke.. Lol…I am very blessed and grateful.  My situation gives me time to write and develop ideas… I have been minamalizing  and exploring for the last ten years, exploring through writing,  the best use of my self for the betterment of humanity. I have had a broad range of experiences. I have read many books, mostly in, philosophy, business, and history. I grew up on a ranch with parents that where a part of the back to the land movement, in northern California, in the early seventies. One of my parents from San Francisco, bay area, San Rafael and my other parent from a Los Angles suburb, Torrance California. I grew up wholly in the country. We moved, I helped my Dad build and work on our family cattle ranch in Idaho. Our cattle’s home range is around two thousand acres.
    I have always wanted to see what was over the next hill. The more mountains, valleys, oceans, rivers, countries and communities I visit, the more I wished for a better way for them. Perhaps not a better way, just a way, a way to stem the tide of suffering that communities seam to be plagued with, what I see as ultimately the result of a social sickness.
   Looking for a solution, I have settled into developing the idea of; “The soup garden farm idea.” There are many parts of this idea I don’t have the experience to develop. I hope to find some of those people locally and online to fill in for me where I lack in knowledge and experience. If you read my writings on my blog and on Facebook, I think they will reflect my character and intent. I come on kind of strong, but it feels to me like it is going to take a amazing amount of momentum and bravado to get this done with no money.  I see in my mind, The soup garden farm operating. Perhaps I should write you a short story of what The soup garden farm idea smells like , sounds like, looks like, and feels like. I will write that story in the next couple of days…

 OK, time to get to work!              

This is where I shift into my, get it done  pitch. Lol

I believe we can do this gracefully and beautifully. The soup garden farm idea, has the potential to create an organic and wholesome hub for communities around the world to grow out from. The soup garden farm idea, a market place with flowers, fruit and vegetables, local artists at work, locally hand crafted items and a gourmet soup restaurant. A restaurant, supplied by a artistically planted and designed garden. All tour-able. All managed by students.
On the farm, I imagine, the evening air filed with the music of instruments and voices.

This is my plan of action for this week and the week after. I will up date you on my progress.

These are the resources I am going to investigate in my area. You could  explore your communities and see what resources you have available. I imagine we can build The first soup garden farm where ever it is popular enough and has the support to do so..  
Resources in the Redding-Anderson area to develop the soup garden farm idea.

What do I have as possibilities and resources around me to further the soup garden farm idea in my area?

The need is hear in the Redding and Anderson area. The need being the homeless population, especially in Redding. I think that the soup garden farm idea could alleviate some municipalities of a considerable percentage of their homeless and less fortunate by offering and enrolling those folks into the soup garden farm idea two year residential student program.

Many municipalities have property that is vacant. These municipalities could transfer title of five or more acres over to the soup garden farm idea organization. Redding has several large pieces of unused property with water available on site.

I can go visit the Good news rescue mission and talk to Cesar Padilla.
The rescue mission in Redding is well connected and established in Redding.
I  visited with Cesar Padilla the director of the Good news rescue mission a year or more ago. He told me that they had been gifted a large tract of land, several hundred acres. I am uncertain if there is water available on the property. Perhaps some relationship can be formed that would be mutually beneficial.

I can talk to the city council in both Redding and Anderson, to get the word out and see how receptive they are.

I can talk to the local garden clubs as well.

I can also talk to local produce farmers and see how they feel.

I can talk with the large box stores                 ( Home depot and Lowes) to see what kind of support they could offer.

I can talk to Starbucks, Yaks and Dutch brothers, to see what support they can offer.
I know some Starbucks have meeting rooms that we could meet in while organizing.

I can talk to local businesses, organizations and municipalities about the potential to draw tourist dollars off of  I-5 in to the community, by drawing them to The soup garden farm idea. A purposely built local hub of cottage industries.
I can talk to the various organizations and meeting halls around the community, VFW, IOF, Elks, Moose lodges and granges. Many one these organization have large meting rooms with chairs for larger groups to meet.

I can take pictures of the un-farmed and fertile fields in the area. I know many of these fields are choked with Yellow star thistle and remain unused. These fields could have great potential for hands on farming. We could eradicate the Yellow star thistle epidemic in the area.

The bottom lands around Redding are from ancient river channels, most of the loam deposits are from the Sacrament river.

  I can keep telling my story until I get enough support to get this done.
If you want to try this in your area lets compare notes and work this to fruition.

Seth j Galli.

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