Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Soup Garden farm idea Update and progress report(1);

The Soup Garden farm idea
Update and progress report(1);

 We are making progress, the idea and conversation is developing on my facebook timeline between several people now. Friend me, if you haven’t already and join the conversation. If you read my blog, follow me there as well, I want to stay connected with all of you folks.

Note; this project is intended to give human beings a way. We are focusing our efforts on the homeless and less fortunate. I believe it is necessary for this organization to be  financially self sufficient. I believe it is essential to start building new models of sustainable business, to create a different and sustainable transformed future that is financially feasible.

After ten years of  experiences, searching and writing, I stumbled on to a jewel, some thing that brought every thing into clarity.  My deep desire for peace and calmness of mind. I am a bipolar chemically imbalanced human being that has experienced a broad range of emotional extremes… from catatonic to euphoria and back. By practicing and maintaining  a calm mind…I have peace and joy now. I eat healthy foods now and as a result I feel more chemically balanced . A calm mind is a wonderful place to start a project or live life from.. No more madness.. I am practicing and maintaining a calm mind, I am responding well to life.. The most I can share with you are my experiences.. What I see and how I would do it.. I recognize that there is great intelligence and capability out there that would rather be doing some thing different with their lives, I hope this offers a way.

First conversation.
Below are some of the highlights of a conversation I had with, BlueOak Farm, a friend of mine on facebook.

Some background:
I went to Chico this last Tuesday to attend a writers group. I arrived in Chico a little early to have a look around the down town. Lots of little boutiques, coffee shops and art galleries. Chico‘s, down town has a nice feel to it. The down town area has a nice water feature in the town square, that kids and adults alike where playing in. In the town square I observed a scattering of trees where a large population of homeless people lounged in the shade, some gathered in calm conversation. 
I stopped in a antiques shop and fell in to conversation with the shop keeper. She told me about a customer of hers that had been beaten in Bidwell Park, she was very distressed about the incident. We talked about a broad range of subjects, conversations mostly stemming from the art of local artist she displayed in her shop.
We exchanged contact information, we both shared many social interests.
I got in my car programmed my GPS for the house the writers group was meeting at.
About five minutes latter I was there. I parked in front of the house, got out changed my shirt. Across the street I could see a entrance to Bidwell park. I was more than a half hour early. I thought, I will just go for a walk in the park, but first I should let the folks hosting the writes group know what I am doing. I walked to the front door and knocked, a lady in her late fifties answered the door, I introduced my self and told her I was going for a walk at the park before the group met. She was very welcoming and said she would see me in a half hour or so.
I walked across the street to the park, I followed a dirt path to a asphalt bike path that follows a stream, the path is wide and is skirted by huge old oak trees and other large trees I failed to identify. A guy road by on a bike, I asked him if there was a map of the park around… he ignored me.. Another person road by he to ignored me… I was dressed in clean clothes, fresh haircut and shave.. Humm.. I thought about the conversation with the shop owner, about the man that was beaten in the park.. Living in Redding California, only sixty or so miles from Chico, I had heard similar reports in the news, about incidence in Bidwell park.
I stopped and shared a status report on face book;
I’m at Bidwell park going for a walk, it’s nice, I asked for directions from several people and they walked by or rode by on a bike and ignored me. I guess there has been some youth violence in the park. Nice park.    

A moment later two older gentleman walked towards me on the bike path, I asked them if they knew if there was a map of the bike path. They acknowledged me and told me that they weren’t aware of a map of the park, but that it was a green belt that followed the stream, they added, that it was a big loop. I could feel their apprehension in talking to me..
 I went to the writers group, enjoyed the exchange of information, ideas and writings.
I headed home to Anderson.
 I got home and made dinner. I checked to see what was going on on Facebook.
There was some comments on my Bidwell park status update. I responded to the comments, a thread of comments became a conversation started between my self and BlueOak farm. We started discussing the homeless problem in Redding and Chico..
( Look on my timeline at the status that starts out; “I’m in Bidwell park..” Look at the comment section for the conversation we had (48 comments).
 We both agreed the homeless problem was a difficult social problem to solve.
BlueOak farm had read an earlier post I had shared from my blog,, About;

The Soup Garden farm idea.

 The Soup garden farm idea is a farm that produces all the vegetables for a restaurant on the farm that makes primarily soups. The farm is ran by students. The students, each on a two year program, operate every aspect of the business, the restaurant, the garden- intermixed with flowers, A bread oven, a soup cannery, a farmers market, Entertainment and teaching customer tour groups. At the end of two years, groups of seven students will be sponsored to open a franchise location of The Soup Garden farm idea. The seven students become managing partners of a particular Soup Garden farm  
 Idea, they in essence become operating owners. With a fixed percentage of the income from each Soup Garden farm idea being reinvested in to the infrastructure and sustainable efficiency of that Soup Garden farm. A planed incremental expansion. As a duplicatable franchise process. 
We want to duplicate farmers and farms by providing wholesome food, education, and atmosphere for the population to relax into.

That is the basic out line of the Idea that BlueOak farm and I discussed, we discussed ways and concerns of integrating the homeless into the student program of Soup Garden farms idea.

I will leave that conversation there for now.
It is a good read, look at it in my timeline, the conversation that starts out “I’m at Bidwell park..” look at the comments section for the thread of conversation.

Ok, the next conversation, yesterday, Wednesday, I had a great conversation with another friend of mine on facebook.
Bronny NZ, chimed in about the Soup Garden farm idea and read the conversation that Blue oak farm and I had had. She posted a picture and a link on my timeline, that read; “A few More ideas added to Seth’s “Soup Garden farm idea”
Great Idea!!” with a picture,
The picture is a backyard thriving with greenery, a table with cloth, some folks sitting around playing guitars, it appears to be a really relaxed atmosphere.
Then a link to my Blog. In the comments section she posted several links to a bunch of different project people are working on.
Bronny NZ, brought a bunch of resources to the conversation, resources that would have otherwise taken me a long time to sort through and find. She also gave a out line of an idea that she had come up with, “hut” stop, little organic food trailers along a long stretch of highway in New Zealand.
All and all, Bronny NZ brought a lot of support, resources, experience, ideas and enthusiasm to the conversation around The Soup Garden farm idea.

The purpose of this update is to illustrate by example how people can align themselves online and  find the middle ground and develop an idea. With the details from these two conversations we have created and have given  The Soup Garden farm Idea more Depth and clarity as well as supporting articles. As we have more conversations we will uncover more details, until we have enough interest and support to install A “Soup Garden farm Idea“. join the conversation, present an idea that would apply to the Soup Garden farm idea, ask a question.

Please use the comment section below, on my face book timeline, to continue to grow the conversation into a “Soup Garden farm idea” installation.

Please share this conversation, from my blog or from my Facebook timeline, Seth j Galli, with every one you know and can. The more we spread the word about this developing idea and raise the level of awareness, the closer we come to watching A Soup Garden farm in action, on the ground, growing and creating abundance into our lives.

One last thing!
I will start the conversation off, look at my first comment ;-)

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