Thursday, August 15, 2013

A online garden design competition.

A online garden design competition.

A online garden design competition for installation at The soup garden farm by a flash crowd.

There will be two different types of gardening at The soup  garden farm,
permaculture and our primary soup garden of annuals.

Permaculture design completion vision;
   Along the outside edges of the soup garden farm will be a permaculture boarder and walking path. A edible walk with shady places to rest and enjoy the permaculture.
 The benefits of having a permaculture border around The soup garden farm are many. For instance, having a wind block and screen helps reduce evaporation. The border screen also limit’s the amount of noxious weeds, like yellow star thistle, that travel by wind. The trees in the permaculture screen aid in bringing moisture into the farm by disrupting the air flow over the farm and during storms causing the air to tumble and drop moisture on the farm. I would like to think that we could incorporate in to the permaculture boarder a large variety of flowers blooming from early spring to late fall. I believe it is important to give the bees as much healthy food as possible so that they may make it through the winter and thrive in the spring. I think humans also respond well to vibrant colors and smells, that the flowers would certainly provide.

The design competition vision for the soup garden of annuals;

I imagine the soup garden farm with all its facilities, (restaurant, shaded out door market place, student housing and gardens) to be from fifty to one hundred acres.
   The show piece is the central garden. The design competition for the central garden, should reflect a view from above, so if you were flying over the farm you could look down and see a vibrant artistic expression.
I imagine a crushed granite path would lead from the restaurant to the center of the garden. The path would make the garden  accessible by the public, further tours of the garden would be student led. I imagine this path could be shaded by hoops that annuals like hops, beans and a multitude of different flowering climbing annuals. Designers please allow for walk ways and access.
The flowers and vegetables are the pallet of paints and textures for those that compete in the design competition. Color, lots of color, a vibrant and fragrant, garden scene.   The winning designer will have that years garden named after them.

One last thing;
  The soup garden design competitors   should incorporate the different flowering times in to their garden design so it is always becoming, a changing scene and design.

Please share this with your gardening and artistic friends.
And by all means start a conversation below.

The soup garden farm idea, is a idea I am forming right hear and now… and hopefully with you..

   Funny idea;
 At the restaurant there could be a periscope for people to see the garden design through, from higher up. 

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