Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Many tinny taps are as great as on big blow.

Many tinny taps are as great as on big blow.
                 Old Chinese proverb.

Humanity uniting, to perform a collective graceful action.

I have been writing about; practicing and maintaining a calm mind. Recently I have been sharing those writings with you. Why? Over the years I have been working my way through understandings and observations of humanity and myself, attempting to find a starting point for my self and the ideas I have been developing over the last ten years. During this personal search I discovered the brilliance of  a calm mind.
  A calm mind gives a human being the ability to observe the world around them un-tinted by the erratic, variable and irrational nature of emotion. A calm mind is the purest, logical and stable base of observation a human being can observe themselves, the world and the humanity around them with, with clarity. A emotional decision is a compound error that twists the reality we coexist and live in and is devoid of any truth except the pain one experiences from it, A self induced pain. When ever a human being is out of integrity with the rhythm of life, which is within us and all around us, they experience the pain of  miss directed attention energy. Miss directed attention energy creates self induced illusions, within ones self and society at large, leading to perversion, extremism and social fracturing, the polar opposite environment is of  humanity united and in harmony with the rhythm of life.
 Humanities deepest fear and desire is to unite in peace. The what, that prevents us from uniting is the fear of the unknown out come, what unity and peace would be like. So instead humanity returns to the familiar pain that seams to validate their existence, pressing on, devouring the vagueness of mist, smoke and cloud as if to edify themselves, starving and always on the weary path of pursuit. Its like saying; I put my hand on the lit stove top every day to validate for myself that I am alive, then I sit with other burn victims and discus how to heal myself.
What about prevention by using logical reflection?
  A calm mind is the only mental environment that has the potential to unite humanity in a , growing, enriching and stable future coexistence on this planet, a foundation built of logical reflection. Logical reflection, the purest form of observation, which can only be experienced within a calm mind.
 I understand the draw of mental emotional sensation and one might think that logical reflection is devoid of emotion. The experience of logical reflection within a calm mind actually gives you access to the fullness of emotion without creating a personal deficit of illusion, that an erratic, emotional mind creates. Logical reflection, within a calm mind creates a stable foundation for a building emotion of love and joy. High points of the human experience being the discovery and exchange of information and experiences with other human beings about the rhythm of life. Within the experience of  practicing and maintaining a calm mind and building a foundation of logical reflection, is the most natural, euphoric and vibrant emotional experiences one can experience.  It is the most important experience humans can share, it naturally creates a sense of trust, it is the experience of unification and unity in all of its non-detrimental forms. Unity in the sense of all is one, including ones self, giving ones self to the whole, loosing the self in the whole and then finding ones way, uniting, until united.

The miserable, the less fortunate, those that are experiencing ternary and the homeless lost, are all bankrupt of a calm mind and the skills to logically reflect. This bankruptcy of being, is the state of the world and the state of humanity at large, now.

This time, our time, now, is like no other time. The opportunity and tools for humanity to unite is in our hands right now.
We only need but to proceed forward with a calm mind and logical reflection.  
 Proceed forward to where?
To unity of course, a organic unity, a sense of being complete.
 The frame work required to unite humanity appears quite self-evident from the perspective of logical reflection within a calm mind.
 The frame work being; transparency, free flowing communication, a building conversation and the opportunity to act, in response to, rather than reaction to, a growing, calm knowledge that is alive.

This ideology I have presented to humanity to consider, is the ideology I am approaching “The soup garden farm idea’’ with, a article I posted on my blog, sethgezzsoupscoop.blogspot.com
“The soup garden farm idea“, the idea I am working towards, a location to unite around logical reflection and to begin organically growing  and transforming our shared existence and future world.

What makes this possible?

We have the tools, the internet, social networks, human to human connections and our ability to share or growing experiences with those around us. We have the ability, right now, to unite a majority of the planet online around a foundation of fluid rather than resistant ideology. Focus that planetary unity on one location, plant the seeds of world transformation, nurture it and watch it grow.

In reflection of the old Chinese proverb,
If we where to unite online and focus our attention on one location, how big of a positive effect could we have on one location acting as one? And the next location? And the next location? And as our effectiveness grows, we champion larger and larger projects for the betterment of humanity.. Authored by humanity.

-Share this article.
- Start connecting and following folks      online.
- Share your enthusiasm
- Practice maintaining a calm mind.
- Exercise logical reflection.
- Friend me or follow my blog
- Review “ The soup garden farm idea”
 On my blog; sethgezzsoupscoop.blogspot.com
- Contact me if you are interested in participating in earnest, in a specific way.

First assignment; first step towards unity.
Step #1 Share this article first, then the two, “The soup garden farm idea” articles second.
Build your following and social networks online for the rest of this week.
Then share these articles again at 12:01 pm on Saturday the 17th of august in your time zone.

I am looking forward to uniting with you.
If you have any questions, please ask me.
I look forward to communicating with you.

Seth Galli

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