Saturday, August 24, 2013

The soup garden farm market place.

The soup garden farm marketplace I imagine  initially being two long post and pole buildings facing each other, the roofs shading the thoroughfare but allowing for some sun. Venders would have a ten by twelve foot permanent stall. These are some of the types of venders I imagine seeing at the marketplace; lots of fresh colorful
 flowers, flower venders, fresh baked breads, soup stands, vegetable venders( local farmers), Painters, artist stalls, craftsmen, quality garden tools, locally produced textiles, honey venders, seed vendors, lots of color.  A vibrant and wholesome market place, perhaps even with a small square with a micro stage. I have also thought that we could have a demonstration aquaponics system greenhouse attached to the marketplace. That’s all so far.
I also have been collecting pictures of marketplaces from around the world, online.
If you have any pictures of marketplaces,
I would be grateful if you shared them with me.

Thank you

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A online garden design competition.

A online garden design competition.

A online garden design competition for installation at The soup garden farm by a flash crowd.

There will be two different types of gardening at The soup  garden farm,
permaculture and our primary soup garden of annuals.

Permaculture design completion vision;
   Along the outside edges of the soup garden farm will be a permaculture boarder and walking path. A edible walk with shady places to rest and enjoy the permaculture.
 The benefits of having a permaculture border around The soup garden farm are many. For instance, having a wind block and screen helps reduce evaporation. The border screen also limit’s the amount of noxious weeds, like yellow star thistle, that travel by wind. The trees in the permaculture screen aid in bringing moisture into the farm by disrupting the air flow over the farm and during storms causing the air to tumble and drop moisture on the farm. I would like to think that we could incorporate in to the permaculture boarder a large variety of flowers blooming from early spring to late fall. I believe it is important to give the bees as much healthy food as possible so that they may make it through the winter and thrive in the spring. I think humans also respond well to vibrant colors and smells, that the flowers would certainly provide.

The design competition vision for the soup garden of annuals;

I imagine the soup garden farm with all its facilities, (restaurant, shaded out door market place, student housing and gardens) to be from fifty to one hundred acres.
   The show piece is the central garden. The design competition for the central garden, should reflect a view from above, so if you were flying over the farm you could look down and see a vibrant artistic expression.
I imagine a crushed granite path would lead from the restaurant to the center of the garden. The path would make the garden  accessible by the public, further tours of the garden would be student led. I imagine this path could be shaded by hoops that annuals like hops, beans and a multitude of different flowering climbing annuals. Designers please allow for walk ways and access.
The flowers and vegetables are the pallet of paints and textures for those that compete in the design competition. Color, lots of color, a vibrant and fragrant, garden scene.   The winning designer will have that years garden named after them.

One last thing;
  The soup garden design competitors   should incorporate the different flowering times in to their garden design so it is always becoming, a changing scene and design.

Please share this with your gardening and artistic friends.
And by all means start a conversation below.

The soup garden farm idea, is a idea I am forming right hear and now… and hopefully with you..

   Funny idea;
 At the restaurant there could be a periscope for people to see the garden design through, from higher up. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My, To do list, for The soup garden farm idea.

 OK, time to get to work!              

This is where I shift into my, get it done pitch. Lol

I believe we can do this gracefully and beautifully. The soup garden farm idea, has the potential to create an organic and wholesome hub for communities around the world to grow out from. The soup garden farm idea, a market place with flowers, fruit and vegetables, local artists at work, locally hand crafted items and a gourmet soup restaurant. A restaurant, supplied by a artistically planted and designed garden. All tour-able. All managed by students.
On the farm, I imagine, the evening air filed with the music of instruments and voices.

This is my plan of action for this week and the week after. I will up date you on my progress.

These are the resources I am going to investigate in my area. You could  explore your communities and see what resources you have available. I imagine we can build The first soup garden farm where ever it is popular enough and has the support to do so..  
Resources in the Redding-Anderson area to develop the soup garden farm idea.

What do I have as possibilities and resources around me to further the soup garden farm idea in my area?

The need is hear in the Redding and Anderson area. The need being the homeless population, especially in Redding. I think that the soup garden farm idea could alleviate some municipalities of a considerable percentage of their homeless and less fortunate by offering and enrolling those folks into the soup garden farm idea two year residential student program.

Many municipalities have property that is vacant. These municipalities could transfer title of five or more acres over to the soup garden farm idea organization. Redding has several large pieces of unused property with water available on site.

I can go visit the Good news rescue mission and talk to Cesar Padilla.
The rescue mission in Redding is well connected and established in Redding.
I  visited with Cesar Padilla the director of the Good news rescue mission a year or more ago. He told me that they had been gifted a large tract of land, several hundred acres. I am uncertain if there is water available on the property. Perhaps some relationship can be formed that would be mutually beneficial.

I can talk to the city council in both Redding and Anderson, to get the word out and see how receptive they are.

I can talk to the local garden clubs as well.

I can also talk to local produce farmers and see how they feel.

I can talk with the large box stores                 ( Home depot and Lowes) to see what kind of support they could offer.

I can talk to Starbucks, Yaks and Dutch brothers, to see what support they can offer.
I know some Starbucks have meeting rooms that we could meet in while organizing.

I can talk to local businesses, organizations and municipalities about the potential to draw tourist dollars off of  I-5 in to the community, by drawing them to The soup garden farm idea. A purposely built local hub of cottage industries.
I can talk to the various organizations and meeting halls around the community, VFW, IOF, Elks and granges. Many one these organization have large meting rooms with chairs for larger groups to meet.

I can take pictures of the unfarmed and fertile fields in the area. I know many of these fields are choked with Yellow star thistle. These fields could have great potential for hands on farming. We could eradicate the Yellow star thistle epidemic in the area.

The bottom lands around Redding are from ancient river channels, most of the loam deposits are from the Sacrament river.

  I can keep telling my story until I get enough support to get this done.
If you want to try this in your area lets compare notes and work this to fruition.

Seth j Galli.

Moving forward with The soup garden farm idea.

Moving forward with The soup garden farm idea, in the Redding and Anderson, California area.

Hello folks.
I write a lot about calmness of mind and lately I have been developing a idea on Facebook, “The soup garden farm idea“. the conversations I have engaged  in with many of you, the readers, is humbling. My conversation about practicing and maintaining calmness of mind is my personal search for a understanding of myself, the world and all it contains. I have been sharing this exploration with you. My conversations with you my friends while on this journey…. Well… I couldn’t have made it this far with out you! You folks.. knowing you are out there and that we share so many interests and concerns in common…well, it really calms my mind…I sense that it calms some of you to, dear friends…. Our online activities and exchanges really  inspire me…you, have given me the strength through positive feedback and input to strive to create a organization truly focused on bettering humanity.

This is where I am at now.
 I have been caretaking this house, I fixed it up before I  moved in several years ago. Now, I water all the shrubs, the flowers and keep the grass and various invasive plants mowed down. I have intermittent work that keeps me just above broke.. Lol…I am very blessed and grateful.  My situation gives me time to write and develop ideas… I have been minamalizing  and exploring for the last ten years, exploring through writing,  the best use of my self for the betterment of humanity. I have had a broad range of experiences. I have read many books, mostly in, philosophy, business, and history. I grew up on a ranch with parents that where a part of the back to the land movement, in northern California, in the early seventies. One of my parents from San Francisco, bay area, San Rafael and my other parent from a Los Angles suburb, Torrance California. I grew up wholly in the country. We moved, I helped my Dad build and work on our family cattle ranch in Idaho. Our cattle’s home range is around two thousand acres.
    I have always wanted to see what was over the next hill. The more mountains, valleys, oceans, rivers, countries and communities I visit, the more I wished for a better way for them. Perhaps not a better way, just a way, a way to stem the tide of suffering that communities seam to be plagued with, what I see as ultimately the result of a social sickness.
   Looking for a solution, I have settled into developing the idea of; “The soup garden farm idea.” There are many parts of this idea I don’t have the experience to develop. I hope to find some of those people locally and online to fill in for me where I lack in knowledge and experience. If you read my writings on my blog and on Facebook, I think they will reflect my character and intent. I come on kind of strong, but it feels to me like it is going to take a amazing amount of momentum and bravado to get this done with no money.  I see in my mind, The soup garden farm operating. Perhaps I should write you a short story of what The soup garden farm idea smells like , sounds like, looks like, and feels like. I will write that story in the next couple of days…

 OK, time to get to work!              

This is where I shift into my, get it done  pitch. Lol

I believe we can do this gracefully and beautifully. The soup garden farm idea, has the potential to create an organic and wholesome hub for communities around the world to grow out from. The soup garden farm idea, a market place with flowers, fruit and vegetables, local artists at work, locally hand crafted items and a gourmet soup restaurant. A restaurant, supplied by a artistically planted and designed garden. All tour-able. All managed by students.
On the farm, I imagine, the evening air filed with the music of instruments and voices.

This is my plan of action for this week and the week after. I will up date you on my progress.

These are the resources I am going to investigate in my area. You could  explore your communities and see what resources you have available. I imagine we can build The first soup garden farm where ever it is popular enough and has the support to do so..  
Resources in the Redding-Anderson area to develop the soup garden farm idea.

What do I have as possibilities and resources around me to further the soup garden farm idea in my area?

The need is hear in the Redding and Anderson area. The need being the homeless population, especially in Redding. I think that the soup garden farm idea could alleviate some municipalities of a considerable percentage of their homeless and less fortunate by offering and enrolling those folks into the soup garden farm idea two year residential student program.

Many municipalities have property that is vacant. These municipalities could transfer title of five or more acres over to the soup garden farm idea organization. Redding has several large pieces of unused property with water available on site.

I can go visit the Good news rescue mission and talk to Cesar Padilla.
The rescue mission in Redding is well connected and established in Redding.
I  visited with Cesar Padilla the director of the Good news rescue mission a year or more ago. He told me that they had been gifted a large tract of land, several hundred acres. I am uncertain if there is water available on the property. Perhaps some relationship can be formed that would be mutually beneficial.

I can talk to the city council in both Redding and Anderson, to get the word out and see how receptive they are.

I can talk to the local garden clubs as well.

I can also talk to local produce farmers and see how they feel.

I can talk with the large box stores                 ( Home depot and Lowes) to see what kind of support they could offer.

I can talk to Starbucks, Yaks and Dutch brothers, to see what support they can offer.
I know some Starbucks have meeting rooms that we could meet in while organizing.

I can talk to local businesses, organizations and municipalities about the potential to draw tourist dollars off of  I-5 in to the community, by drawing them to The soup garden farm idea. A purposely built local hub of cottage industries.
I can talk to the various organizations and meeting halls around the community, VFW, IOF, Elks, Moose lodges and granges. Many one these organization have large meting rooms with chairs for larger groups to meet.

I can take pictures of the un-farmed and fertile fields in the area. I know many of these fields are choked with Yellow star thistle and remain unused. These fields could have great potential for hands on farming. We could eradicate the Yellow star thistle epidemic in the area.

The bottom lands around Redding are from ancient river channels, most of the loam deposits are from the Sacrament river.

  I can keep telling my story until I get enough support to get this done.
If you want to try this in your area lets compare notes and work this to fruition.

Seth j Galli.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Many tinny taps are as great as on big blow.

Many tinny taps are as great as on big blow.
                 Old Chinese proverb.

Humanity uniting, to perform a collective graceful action.

I have been writing about; practicing and maintaining a calm mind. Recently I have been sharing those writings with you. Why? Over the years I have been working my way through understandings and observations of humanity and myself, attempting to find a starting point for my self and the ideas I have been developing over the last ten years. During this personal search I discovered the brilliance of  a calm mind.
  A calm mind gives a human being the ability to observe the world around them un-tinted by the erratic, variable and irrational nature of emotion. A calm mind is the purest, logical and stable base of observation a human being can observe themselves, the world and the humanity around them with, with clarity. A emotional decision is a compound error that twists the reality we coexist and live in and is devoid of any truth except the pain one experiences from it, A self induced pain. When ever a human being is out of integrity with the rhythm of life, which is within us and all around us, they experience the pain of  miss directed attention energy. Miss directed attention energy creates self induced illusions, within ones self and society at large, leading to perversion, extremism and social fracturing, the polar opposite environment is of  humanity united and in harmony with the rhythm of life.
 Humanities deepest fear and desire is to unite in peace. The what, that prevents us from uniting is the fear of the unknown out come, what unity and peace would be like. So instead humanity returns to the familiar pain that seams to validate their existence, pressing on, devouring the vagueness of mist, smoke and cloud as if to edify themselves, starving and always on the weary path of pursuit. Its like saying; I put my hand on the lit stove top every day to validate for myself that I am alive, then I sit with other burn victims and discus how to heal myself.
What about prevention by using logical reflection?
  A calm mind is the only mental environment that has the potential to unite humanity in a , growing, enriching and stable future coexistence on this planet, a foundation built of logical reflection. Logical reflection, the purest form of observation, which can only be experienced within a calm mind.
 I understand the draw of mental emotional sensation and one might think that logical reflection is devoid of emotion. The experience of logical reflection within a calm mind actually gives you access to the fullness of emotion without creating a personal deficit of illusion, that an erratic, emotional mind creates. Logical reflection, within a calm mind creates a stable foundation for a building emotion of love and joy. High points of the human experience being the discovery and exchange of information and experiences with other human beings about the rhythm of life. Within the experience of  practicing and maintaining a calm mind and building a foundation of logical reflection, is the most natural, euphoric and vibrant emotional experiences one can experience.  It is the most important experience humans can share, it naturally creates a sense of trust, it is the experience of unification and unity in all of its non-detrimental forms. Unity in the sense of all is one, including ones self, giving ones self to the whole, loosing the self in the whole and then finding ones way, uniting, until united.

The miserable, the less fortunate, those that are experiencing ternary and the homeless lost, are all bankrupt of a calm mind and the skills to logically reflect. This bankruptcy of being, is the state of the world and the state of humanity at large, now.

This time, our time, now, is like no other time. The opportunity and tools for humanity to unite is in our hands right now.
We only need but to proceed forward with a calm mind and logical reflection.  
 Proceed forward to where?
To unity of course, a organic unity, a sense of being complete.
 The frame work required to unite humanity appears quite self-evident from the perspective of logical reflection within a calm mind.
 The frame work being; transparency, free flowing communication, a building conversation and the opportunity to act, in response to, rather than reaction to, a growing, calm knowledge that is alive.

This ideology I have presented to humanity to consider, is the ideology I am approaching “The soup garden farm idea’’ with, a article I posted on my blog,
“The soup garden farm idea“, the idea I am working towards, a location to unite around logical reflection and to begin organically growing  and transforming our shared existence and future world.

What makes this possible?

We have the tools, the internet, social networks, human to human connections and our ability to share or growing experiences with those around us. We have the ability, right now, to unite a majority of the planet online around a foundation of fluid rather than resistant ideology. Focus that planetary unity on one location, plant the seeds of world transformation, nurture it and watch it grow.

In reflection of the old Chinese proverb,
If we where to unite online and focus our attention on one location, how big of a positive effect could we have on one location acting as one? And the next location? And the next location? And as our effectiveness grows, we champion larger and larger projects for the betterment of humanity.. Authored by humanity.

-Share this article.
- Start connecting and following folks      online.
- Share your enthusiasm
- Practice maintaining a calm mind.
- Exercise logical reflection.
- Friend me or follow my blog
- Review “ The soup garden farm idea”
 On my blog;
- Contact me if you are interested in participating in earnest, in a specific way.

First assignment; first step towards unity.
Step #1 Share this article first, then the two, “The soup garden farm idea” articles second.
Build your following and social networks online for the rest of this week.
Then share these articles again at 12:01 pm on Saturday the 17th of august in your time zone.

I am looking forward to uniting with you.
If you have any questions, please ask me.
I look forward to communicating with you.

Seth Galli

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Getting started with and The Soup garden farm idea.,  appears to be the best place to get The Soup Garden farm idea the necessary funds to implement and install.

 The next step is to write a business plan.
I believe if we want to become believable in the eyes of our kickstarter supporters, every
Thing from our financials to our process of development should be transparent and shared with the public, at minimum. I am going to develop that plan hear with you on Facebook and on my blog where I publish from. You the reader are encouraged to interact as much as you desire. I will ask for Online assistance once in a while, if you are interested in participating, do. Spreading the word about this conversation is the most important thing you could help me do right now.
I am going to brake down, The Soup Garden farm idea, into its separate areas of interest and brake down each area of interest, into it’s individual pieces, parts and activities.
From there we can get some scope on the idea and the estimated total costs to install, the Soup Garden farm idea.

 The Soup Garden farm idea.

 The Soup garden farm idea is a farm that produces all the vegetables for a restaurant on the farm that makes primarily soups. The farm is ran by students. The students, each on a two year program, operate every aspect of the business, the restaurant, the garden- intermixed with flowers, A bread oven, a soup cannery, a farmers market, a media and entertainment division as well as teaching customer tour groups. At the end of two years, groups of seven students will be sponsored to open a franchise location of The Soup Garden farm idea. The seven students become managing partners of a particular Soup Garden farm Idea franchise, they in essence become operating owners. A percentage of the income from each Soup Garden farm idea franchise will be reinvested in to the infrastructure and sustainable efficiency of that Soup Garden farm. A  incremental expansion, with in a planed franchise process. 
We want to duplicate farmers and farms by providing wholesome food, education, and a atmosphere for the local population to relax into.

Areas of operation, The Soup Garden farm idea;;
 Kickstarter is a web site that a person or persons can submit an idea too to be considered and sponsored by online supporters. When we and or I, have the idea for The Soup Garden farm idea condensed into a business plan that is agreeable with all those that are participating I will submit the idea and business plan to kickstarter. 

 The Location;
I am going to base the Information I collect on the area I live in, the Redding and Anderson California Area. With the intention of Building a “The Soup Garden farm idea” in the local area, Chico California is another possibility as well, which ever community is the most receptive to the idea is where we install the first, The soup Garden farm idea.

The real resource we have hear in the Redding area Is Interstate highway 5, I-5.
I-5 has a massive amount of traffic on it, daily millions and millions of dollars roll by  in the pockets of humans traveling north and south.
 Just south of Redding is Corning and the Olive Pit. The Olive Pit is a localized cottage industry based on olives. The Olive Pit, is a store front, with a small food bar. The rest of the store is filled with a huge variety of jarred olives, it is the every flavor olive store, with just as many varieties of olive oil. It’s a wonderful place if you like olives and olive oil. The place is busy with I-5 customers. The Olive Pit is generating millions and millions all pouring into the local economy. 

Chico location note;
Chico has a large college and  student population, also highway 99 passes through town. More needs to be learned about Chico and the surrounding area to better understand how a Soup garden farm could sustain its self  there. 
 Land Note;
I will be looking for land available that fits or can be mortified to fit the soup garden farm idea as it develops in the Redding area.

 The activities, entertainment and media group;
This group will be the heart of the operation. This operations group will communicate with our online followers, promote and run Campaigns for the installation of additional Soup garden farm ideas as well as the scheduling of weekly evening entertainment At the Soup garden farm. This group will also develop a Youtube channel and design a reality TV show around the development of the Soup Garden farm idea and other projects that champion the betterment of humanity.

The student program and curriculum;

Each student of The Soup Garden farm idea,
Will be in a weekly rotation and be required to pass a competency exam in each area of operations within the soup garden farm idea to graduate and qualify as a franchise manager/ owner.

Each student is encouraged to build a off site support group that he or she communicates and shares their experiences with online daily.

The students will work in a group of three to seven members. Weekly they will rotate to a new educational work stations together.
A conversation of camaraderie and understanding will be part of the curriculum to  help each team/group become more efficient as a functioning unit.

 Student housing and hygiene facilities;

The student housing, I imagine as a bunk bed, barracks style housing, with community showers and bathrooms. Females and males will have separate housing and hygiene facilities.
Classes will be held on personal hygiene and food handling.

The restaurant and cannery;

Menu items;
   - I am starting the menu  out with,
Soups, breads, roasted vegetables and salads. Everything grown in the garden or on the farm.
As for the menu items listed above, I will start menu development conversations on my timeline on Facebook. I will be looking for recipes. These same recipes will help guide us in choosing the vegetables to plant in the garden.

 The cannery;
   The purpose of the cannery is to can in canning jars, soups made from extra vegetables from the garden that are not used in the restaurant or sold at the farms farmers market. These canned soups will be sold at the farmers market and at the restaurant. A deposit will be charged on the canning jars, the deposit will be returned when the canning jar is returned.

The garden;
  Garden design;
  A design competition will be held online for each years garden design. The winning design will be installed in stages by a flash crowd. The designer of that years garden design will be rewarded with a one year pass for one, for free soup at the Soup Garden Restaurant and that years garden will be named in their honor.
The garden design as I hope and imagine it should be vibrant and colorful, a broad variety of flowering plants. My desire and vision of the garden is that it would draw life to it, bird, bees and humans. I want the garden to fill people with a overwhelming  sense of joy. 

The water and water systems;
   The property that The Soup Garden farm idea is established on must have a good source of water. Either free flowing water from a irrigation district or wells.
In the event that our water source is from a well, solar  powered pumps need to be researched  and the right application installed for the site. If the property is on a slope holding tanks should be located at the highest point on the property, even then the tank or tanks may need to be elevated.
 Water Note;
Total potential water usage  needs to be established.

The Farmers Market;
 During the summer months, the farmers market will be held out side, under a shaded market place. Soup garden farm will have a permanent display area for our fresh produce, canned goods, seeds, starts, breads and other products produced on the farm.
Farmers and craftsmen in the area will be invited to participate for free if they sign a attendance contract and make a deposit that will be returned to them at the end of the season.   

The food delivery system;
I have not developed this section out at this time. I need to do more research. If you find any articles and or examples of a farm-to home delivery system you the viewer can refer to me, I would be grateful.

The retail and whole sale seed and starts program;
 Seed collecting can be done in the garden off of the flowers we intermix in the garden and in the processing room in the cannery. These seeds can be saved for Soup garden farm to replant and the excess can be sold online and at the on site farmers market. We can also sell vegetable and flower starts in the spring and early summer.

 All accounting will be run through a accountant and updated regularly/ daily.
All accounting will be transparent for the public to see and audit.

Energy use and alternative energy development;
   -Solar water pumping
   -Solar electric powering facilities
   -Natural gas or propane
   -Digesters for natural gas?
   - Wind generator

Each one of these areas of function in The Soup Garden farm idea will be transparent and available for you to interact with.
When The Soup Garden farm idea has developed to the point that, the Activities, Entertainment and Media group, are functioning and online, they will manage the online conversation and updates. The audience will always be informed, and we will be informed by them and you.

Thank you very much for reading.

I look forward to your input and participation.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Soup Garden farm idea Update and progress report(1);

The Soup Garden farm idea
Update and progress report(1);

 We are making progress, the idea and conversation is developing on my facebook timeline between several people now. Friend me, if you haven’t already and join the conversation. If you read my blog, follow me there as well, I want to stay connected with all of you folks.

Note; this project is intended to give human beings a way. We are focusing our efforts on the homeless and less fortunate. I believe it is necessary for this organization to be  financially self sufficient. I believe it is essential to start building new models of sustainable business, to create a different and sustainable transformed future that is financially feasible.

After ten years of  experiences, searching and writing, I stumbled on to a jewel, some thing that brought every thing into clarity.  My deep desire for peace and calmness of mind. I am a bipolar chemically imbalanced human being that has experienced a broad range of emotional extremes… from catatonic to euphoria and back. By practicing and maintaining  a calm mind…I have peace and joy now. I eat healthy foods now and as a result I feel more chemically balanced . A calm mind is a wonderful place to start a project or live life from.. No more madness.. I am practicing and maintaining a calm mind, I am responding well to life.. The most I can share with you are my experiences.. What I see and how I would do it.. I recognize that there is great intelligence and capability out there that would rather be doing some thing different with their lives, I hope this offers a way.

First conversation.
Below are some of the highlights of a conversation I had with, BlueOak Farm, a friend of mine on facebook.

Some background:
I went to Chico this last Tuesday to attend a writers group. I arrived in Chico a little early to have a look around the down town. Lots of little boutiques, coffee shops and art galleries. Chico‘s, down town has a nice feel to it. The down town area has a nice water feature in the town square, that kids and adults alike where playing in. In the town square I observed a scattering of trees where a large population of homeless people lounged in the shade, some gathered in calm conversation. 
I stopped in a antiques shop and fell in to conversation with the shop keeper. She told me about a customer of hers that had been beaten in Bidwell Park, she was very distressed about the incident. We talked about a broad range of subjects, conversations mostly stemming from the art of local artist she displayed in her shop.
We exchanged contact information, we both shared many social interests.
I got in my car programmed my GPS for the house the writers group was meeting at.
About five minutes latter I was there. I parked in front of the house, got out changed my shirt. Across the street I could see a entrance to Bidwell park. I was more than a half hour early. I thought, I will just go for a walk in the park, but first I should let the folks hosting the writes group know what I am doing. I walked to the front door and knocked, a lady in her late fifties answered the door, I introduced my self and told her I was going for a walk at the park before the group met. She was very welcoming and said she would see me in a half hour or so.
I walked across the street to the park, I followed a dirt path to a asphalt bike path that follows a stream, the path is wide and is skirted by huge old oak trees and other large trees I failed to identify. A guy road by on a bike, I asked him if there was a map of the park around… he ignored me.. Another person road by he to ignored me… I was dressed in clean clothes, fresh haircut and shave.. Humm.. I thought about the conversation with the shop owner, about the man that was beaten in the park.. Living in Redding California, only sixty or so miles from Chico, I had heard similar reports in the news, about incidence in Bidwell park.
I stopped and shared a status report on face book;
I’m at Bidwell park going for a walk, it’s nice, I asked for directions from several people and they walked by or rode by on a bike and ignored me. I guess there has been some youth violence in the park. Nice park.    

A moment later two older gentleman walked towards me on the bike path, I asked them if they knew if there was a map of the bike path. They acknowledged me and told me that they weren’t aware of a map of the park, but that it was a green belt that followed the stream, they added, that it was a big loop. I could feel their apprehension in talking to me..
 I went to the writers group, enjoyed the exchange of information, ideas and writings.
I headed home to Anderson.
 I got home and made dinner. I checked to see what was going on on Facebook.
There was some comments on my Bidwell park status update. I responded to the comments, a thread of comments became a conversation started between my self and BlueOak farm. We started discussing the homeless problem in Redding and Chico..
( Look on my timeline at the status that starts out; “I’m in Bidwell park..” Look at the comment section for the conversation we had (48 comments).
 We both agreed the homeless problem was a difficult social problem to solve.
BlueOak farm had read an earlier post I had shared from my blog,, About;

The Soup Garden farm idea.

 The Soup garden farm idea is a farm that produces all the vegetables for a restaurant on the farm that makes primarily soups. The farm is ran by students. The students, each on a two year program, operate every aspect of the business, the restaurant, the garden- intermixed with flowers, A bread oven, a soup cannery, a farmers market, Entertainment and teaching customer tour groups. At the end of two years, groups of seven students will be sponsored to open a franchise location of The Soup Garden farm idea. The seven students become managing partners of a particular Soup Garden farm  
 Idea, they in essence become operating owners. With a fixed percentage of the income from each Soup Garden farm idea being reinvested in to the infrastructure and sustainable efficiency of that Soup Garden farm. A planed incremental expansion. As a duplicatable franchise process. 
We want to duplicate farmers and farms by providing wholesome food, education, and atmosphere for the population to relax into.

That is the basic out line of the Idea that BlueOak farm and I discussed, we discussed ways and concerns of integrating the homeless into the student program of Soup Garden farms idea.

I will leave that conversation there for now.
It is a good read, look at it in my timeline, the conversation that starts out “I’m at Bidwell park..” look at the comments section for the thread of conversation.

Ok, the next conversation, yesterday, Wednesday, I had a great conversation with another friend of mine on facebook.
Bronny NZ, chimed in about the Soup Garden farm idea and read the conversation that Blue oak farm and I had had. She posted a picture and a link on my timeline, that read; “A few More ideas added to Seth’s “Soup Garden farm idea”
Great Idea!!” with a picture,
The picture is a backyard thriving with greenery, a table with cloth, some folks sitting around playing guitars, it appears to be a really relaxed atmosphere.
Then a link to my Blog. In the comments section she posted several links to a bunch of different project people are working on.
Bronny NZ, brought a bunch of resources to the conversation, resources that would have otherwise taken me a long time to sort through and find. She also gave a out line of an idea that she had come up with, “hut” stop, little organic food trailers along a long stretch of highway in New Zealand.
All and all, Bronny NZ brought a lot of support, resources, experience, ideas and enthusiasm to the conversation around The Soup Garden farm idea.

The purpose of this update is to illustrate by example how people can align themselves online and  find the middle ground and develop an idea. With the details from these two conversations we have created and have given  The Soup Garden farm Idea more Depth and clarity as well as supporting articles. As we have more conversations we will uncover more details, until we have enough interest and support to install A “Soup Garden farm Idea“. join the conversation, present an idea that would apply to the Soup Garden farm idea, ask a question.

Please use the comment section below, on my face book timeline, to continue to grow the conversation into a “Soup Garden farm idea” installation.

Please share this conversation, from my blog or from my Facebook timeline, Seth j Galli, with every one you know and can. The more we spread the word about this developing idea and raise the level of awareness, the closer we come to watching A Soup Garden farm in action, on the ground, growing and creating abundance into our lives.

One last thing!
I will start the conversation off, look at my first comment ;-)

Monday, August 5, 2013


                 The soup garden.
A chain of organic farms incorporating;   restaurants, farmers markets and canneries.

The soup garden.
Imagine a 5, 10, 20, acre piece of farm ground,
Now imagine on that farm ground towards the front and near a main road, a large ( 80 by 200 ft), simple, low, barn roof  style building, open in the inside, with screened in windows, a cement floor, a big brick bread oven in the center, picnic table style with benches.
An aroma of herbs and spices, the smells of reducing soups, and fresh bread sticks, would be the first thing you would smell when you walked in. Our goal would be to capture the imagination of; your gut, your tongue and your mind.

The garden.
I would like to imagine flowers generously sprinkled and growing everywhere in the garden. When a customer comes to tour the farm I want them to be overwhelmed with vibrant colors and smells.
 The garden would be focused on growing all of the soup ingredients for the restaurant and canning the surplus soups for sale.
 The garden would also be designed to be tour-able and educational for the public.

The first Soup Garden Farm.
The first soup garden restaurant, cannery and farmers market would all be run by students.
Students that would go through a two year residential program to learn every aspect of the operation of a Soup Garden farm franchise.
 After completing the two year course, groups of seven students, would be sponsored to open up another Soup Garden farm, in a community that wanted and supported one opening in their community.

How I imagine making this work.
  Well it all starts with a media and entertainment organization, that promotes ideas such as this one, on a reality TV show, the promoters and the idea developers are the show, every thing trans parent to our audience, and the audience gets to vote and help direct our ideas and the ideas we are working on.

How do we get started?
 First I am looking for a team of seven people.
Those seven people and my self will build up our audience base hear on facebook, on twitter, on Google plus, on pintrest, on Youtube and send a copy of this idea to every news and media organization.

We will spread the idea above, until we garner enough attention, to put together a kick starter project or a sponsor/ spokesperson steps forward willing to help us get established.

The reality TV show is how we can make this idea and others like it thrive.

Your welcome to join me in creating this organic community oriented rejuvenation project and the many more to come.

Our primary goals as a media organization are; To unite people, to educate people, to create jobs, to plant gardens and feed people, to house people, to strengthen communities and clean up the planet.

Tools the reality TV show participants will be using; flash crowds, audience participation, transparency, online design competitions, and shear numbers of followers to influence a transformation for the betterment of humanity and the planet we live on.

Please share this idea, I believe this it is the most important thing you can do to bring this into being. E-mail it everywhere.

Thank you.

PS. Pleas feel free to contact me if you are interested in working with me.

Please share this with the world.

I love you all deeply.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The future is coming to you!

                                            The future is coming to you!
                               Fiction or reality, you choose!

So what it comes down to, is really building it, the future!

To many I may appear bodacious, but if you read through the history of my writing, you will find that’s not entirely true…. Lol.
I believe I observe the world uninhibited and transformable.

I have a vision of  the world transformed.
I started out on the opposite end of now, I envisioned huge city’s that where single building cities, I envisioned recycling whole cities, I investigated a lot of necessary internal systems and added efficiencies where I thought they could work. I have many ideas for what I call Efficient human living systems.
Imagine a pyramid two thousand feet tall that comfortably housed a million people or more. Imagine all the land for miles around it, the view from the city, sprinkled with flowers and Farms organically built into the landscape, and then beyond that, forests and savanna. Trains would service the people and the city. All tracks leading north and away from the city.

My problem wasn’t designing the city, there is smart people to do that and there is lots of futuristic cities out there on the internet.
The real challenge was to get people to want to live in a single building pyramid city, to even imagine it, the money to buy the land, to design it, to collect the resources and build it, that was the tough part to figure out…
So I started thinking about humans, I started observing humans, I started observing myself.

What did I really want?

Not this building.
I wanted to contribute back to humanity for the grace humanity has offered me in my life.
Appreciation and introduction.
 I discovered the starting point
Just a couple months ago, It all started with a calm mind and you my wonderful friends online supporting me in my writings. You folks hear on facebook and blogger, have given me the courage to dream on and connect the dots. I believe in you, because  you believe in me, and you know that I am just another foul-able human being that wants to be present and participate in the world transformation that is necessary.. My friends, humanity, you are what and who is important, I know that.

Actually, we have already started  down the path to pyramid city or some future efficient city. The moment I started writing this document your reading, the movement was begun, the idea planted, the vision shared. The ripple effect of this document and the ideas within, are now transforming our future even as you read.

We are going to start off as a media and entertainment company.
We are going to entertain you, as we recruit followers, participants, design and install
The transforming future right in front of you, with your help, you get to choose.
We are creating a continues reality TV show, that interacts with you the online audience. First on Youtube, then cable, The audience gets to chose what our transforming future looks like, Our direction, our designs and our own high standards which we hope to achieve. With out you, the online interactive participants, to help guide us with choice, we would have no audience and no interest. The whole thing is based on you choosing your potential future, with some creative and organizing assistance.
The  whole organization will remain  transparent and  audit-able by all followers at all times. We expect the feed back, so we may become more efficient and transformable, eventually reflecting a constant state of trans formative being.

Online groups will be formed on fully interactive platforms and managed by  teams, who’s completely transparent developing conversations will be online and on camera available for all to observe.
These online groups and conversations will range from; the soil food webs, microbes and mycelia, that supplies us with our food, to; the content in the steel that erects our future cities. The entertainment will be the future we are building.

First; We will start building our base of followers off of my Facebook profile page.
We need to build a large group of followers to build a voice.
We can talk about this idea there.

Second; Once we garner enough attention, either I will find some one that can help me put a Kikestarter idea together to get the initial financing necessary to assemble the first team of reality TV world transformers.
Or, a person steps forward to sponsor and speak in support of the team of reality TV world transformers.
 Third; Establish a headquarters/ barracks and start interacting online and filming the reality TV continuum.

That’s the plan so far, once we assemble in a headquarters we will continue further developing the idea, and you with us there watching, choosing and participating In the design of our future.

My function is to be an observe, support, participate, contribute and be present with a calm mind.

I only ask that you share this if you find this interesting, and please do friend and follow me.

I will not be forming any other groups unless I announce it, on line and on camera.

Thank you, and I will see you in the future we make together.

Seth J. Galli

I reserve the right to this collection of harmonious ideas for humanity and the betterment of humanity.

PS. May a calm mind overtake you and sweep you away in joy.