Graceful World Change: Meaningful, Fun and Empowering
I have heard that the next stage in world change, the big one,
is going to be to be one of grace and beauty.
I see world change occurring now in articles and applications on the internet.
I hear it in the vocabulary of people I interact with on a daily basis, in the news, and in movies.
You can hear the change coming in the new normal core vocabulary.
Carried on the lips and in the written words of humans is the cure.
The world is breaking loose of its dogmatic ideals and evolving around its living ideas.
The world is becoming aware of itself.
A world looking at itself as a world needing change and balance.
I have been developing ideas around graceful change, designing ideas to make real and meaningful change fun.
I have been testing these ideas in the social networks I am building.
First, I am an artist. I envision painting the world with a big brush. The brush I have chosen is flash mob applications.
A flash mob.
Google it, watch a flash mob on YouTube.
Flash mobs are large groups of people that coordinate their efforts on the internet.
Flash mobs organize and may choreograph their abstract expressions of art or acts, choose a location and time to meet,
and then perform as a flash mob.
Flash mob community renovation projects.
The idea I am developing now is a community trash removal flash mob.
This is how I imagine it working: Participants in the community take pictures of build-ups of trash in their neighborhoods.
The participants then down load their pictures to a localized flash mob website with the location of the trash build up.
Once a week a trash build-up site is chosen from the pictures of the citizen that reported trash.
The flash mob meets at the chosen site.
The flash mob removes all the trash and then films the activity, all within an hour or so.
The filmmakers then up load their videos of the flash (trash) mob onto YouTube to
raise awareness of litter and trash.
The flash mob filmmakers do audits of the trash removed, giving insight to the types of trash
that litter our communities, our roads, our rivers and our oceans.
The idea is to be able to replicate this idea in any community with massive positive impact.
Installing organic orchards with flash mobs.
This is how I imagine it happening: Let's say we are going to plant an orchard. I envision participants going
to YouTube and watching a video on how to plant a tree.
At the end of the video, participants would take a short comprehension test.
After taking the test, they would receive a reservation number giving them a time and place
to attend and participate in the flash mob orchard planting.
An orchard is planted by the same people who one day may eat from it.
Harvesting crops with flash mobs.
Imagine the picking of an orchard or any variety of hand pick-able crops using flash mobs.
Of course, a YouTube video with a comprehension test would be a must for sanitary reasons
and picking methods. I imagine the flash mob picking could be choreographed to be graceful
(of coarse all filmed) so as not to damage the fruit or vegetable. A slow motion act of grace.
The act of participating in a flash mob gives the individual a feeling of being a part of some thing bigger
than oneself; a feeling of belonging. A sense of connection to the world and the people in it.
Thank you for your readership and following.Please share world wide.
Note: I have a follow-up story I will write later this week. I went to Shasta Community College
in Redding, CA and received a overwhelming response and interest.
Gracefully change the world, it is within your power.