Monday, April 23, 2012

To; Anonymous,From: Anonymous #2

To; Anonymous
Who are you? Who is that behind those  dark dancing eyes? A knowing I
Hear in your voice, a giggle, a refreshing frankness, a pinch, a song, a flirtatious strum. Who are you, echoes in my heart chambers. Are you the one?
From: Anonymous

Activate ! ?


What if we started a conversation about possible solutions to world problems?
What would we talk about?
What ideas do you have?
What could we accomplish?
What could we build?
What would the future look like?
Who would you be?
Can you start typing in the box below?
Are you brave enough to be wrong until you are right?
Do you have the courage to dream and follow those dreams beyond your own doubts to their realization?
Are you ready to engage in conversation?
Can we organize from hear?
Is communication the only tool we need to start ? Right hear, right now.
Can you activate your self?
Type your heart out, all of it!

 Activate!  ( my friend pepper uses the word activate like a light switch, turning peoples minds on.)
   I thank the reader and the writer in you.



Saturday, April 14, 2012

Create a social cross roads at a swap meet booth.

        A market place in history
                A cross roads

 I was reading about Socrates and Plato,
In their time. In that age, there was market places that people met to trade their wares, teach students, dancers practiced, theater troops practiced their lines, story tellers yarned, artists sculpting and painting, the buying and selling of food, debates about philosophies and the promoting of businesses. Each group attracting their own crowd.

The overall idea of a place like that that comes to life every day  sounds like a utopian moment in the history of community.      

 Much like the markets of old swap meets are a great place to rent a space and promote ideas into your community. Create a social cross roads at a rented space.
I am going to try such an idea at my local swap meet/flee market and blog about it,
As I plan and test the idea.

The general idea;
My intention is to create a cross roads booth. a booth for testing community interest in community activity ideas. 

Some of the ideas I am going to promote;

- Developing a local cottage industry with hot peppers ( the north valley hot pepper festival )

-Managing a micro stage at a flee market.

- using flash crowds to plant crops and install  organic farms.

- Green shoots independent filmmakers group.

At my booth three large white boards
That will list the above ideas. On the table (my local swap meet provides tables), in the back of my booth, I will have four  note books. One notebook for each community project idea. people interested in participating in a idea and would like updates, write their name, phone number and email address.

First idea; rough sketch

- Developing a local cottage industry with hot peppers, the north valley hot pepper festival.

Participating restaurants, in the North valley hot pepper festival, would make a hot pepper  dish
and  be listed on a hot pepper  tour of restaurants.

A tour guide booklet would be available at participating restaurants.

The tour would last for a month

As a customer tours restaurants, each restaurant stamps the customers booklet for trying the restaurants’ hot pepper dish.

Each customer on the tour that tries twenty hot pepper dishes, gets a free North valley hot pepper festival tour T shirt.

Customers vote on their favorite Hot pepper dish.

The restaurant with the winning hot pepper dish would be awarded the hot pepper trophy.

Locals interested in growing hot peppers could
Have them available for the restaurants to buy at farmers markets and at the swap meet farmers market. 
The growers could contact  The north valley hot pepper festival organizers for other possible outlets for peppers.

With enough pepper growers, a pepper market could be established.

A hot sauce and  salsa  competition  could be incorporated in to a tour of bars during the month long festival. Again a trophy could be awarded to the winning sauce and bar.

2nd Idea;

Managing a micro stage at a flee market.

First I would set up a cross roads booth and advertise on one of the white boards for performing artists.(starving artists )

Jamboree groups
Micro plays
Puppet shows for children

Managing a micro stage is basically scheduling the variety of acts and helping setup and transition between acts. Over time and with some imagination the stage setup will develop. First make shade.

The 3rd and 4th idea listed above will be conversation starter ideas.

I will give you the reader a up date on how the cross roads booth goes, I should be able to get
A booth in the next week or three and test the idea.

Thanks again for your readership.
Share what you like.


PS. Next time you are eating a chicken, thank the chicken.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Attention entertainers!

              Attention entertainers!            
-An idea for you and a way to share your gifts.

I was thinking of a local flee market that has quite a lot of traffic on the weekends. The spaces are cheap enough, seams like you could put together a few acts
And split the loot at the end of the day.

Some ideas;

If you where into managing a micro stage you could, (possibly me) line up puppet shows or perhaps a stage show for the kids, later, some solo and small musical acts, perhaps a comedian or two.

The audience is encouraged to throw coins in to a trough.

The proceeds could be split between the performers and the stage manager.

 Humm…. Sounds interesting enough.. Make it fun and lively.     


A search for the philosopher king

A search for the philosopher king

Plato spoke of a philosopher king.
I like the idea.
Perhaps we can incorporate
a  search for the philosopher
king in to our daily game show;

Who wants to Build a company
a game show for the masses.
            A daily show.
Maybe once a week the show could be dedicated to the search.

Perhaps they the philosophers’ could submit a YouTube video of their broad social outlooks and
their visions of future positive social paths for humanity.

Huumm……. Perhaps we could  vote on those that submit their philosophical views.

If you find any links to videos of philosophers
Please post them below. Thanks


Who wants to build a company? A game show for the masses.

Who wants to build a company?
  A game show for the masses.

 - Myself and a co-host with a panel of ten manage  a nursery for building companies.

- We create, organize, promote and staff each company on the show from and with our viewers.

-We will be using a majority voting system to navigate the building of each company and the direction of the show.

- Who votes?
The audience, the viewer and the panel of ten. 

- How do you become a contestant ?

Each potential contestant puts forward an idea for a

The submitted ideas are voted on by the panel of ten
And reduced to the top ten ideas.

The viewers and the audience then chose the company to be built.

Who better to chose what products should be built than the people who would use them.

- Step by step with the chosen contestant and his or her idea the panel of ten would build the company on the game show (A daily show).

- My self and the co-host would be protagonists and
co creators, stimulating and cajoling the prose’s of
of company creation forward.
    Potential show itinerary
1st News of our news. Progress reports.

2nd  Order of  business, list of ten of the highest priority projects unfinished from the last show. 

3rd  Co hosts coach viewers on the importance of social networking and the impact they can have.

4th Co host and panel of ten start the progression of the company building prose’s.

Hear is an example of a company we could build on
The game show.

1) Partner with a land owner.

2) Use flash crowds to install organic crops, such as orchards and other row crops.( using social networks)

3) Use flash crowds to harvest crops.

4)Organize a student body to manage farm.

4) promote the farm, tourism/ sponsors / partners.

5) Find another land owner to partner with and install
Another farm.