Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Who wants to build a company? A game show for the masses.

Who wants to build a company?
  A game show for the masses.

 - Myself and a co-host with a panel of ten manage  a nursery for building companies.

- We create, organize, promote and staff each company on the show from and with our viewers.

-We will be using a majority voting system to navigate the building of each company and the direction of the show.

- Who votes?
The audience, the viewer and the panel of ten. 

- How do you become a contestant ?

Each potential contestant puts forward an idea for a

The submitted ideas are voted on by the panel of ten
And reduced to the top ten ideas.

The viewers and the audience then chose the company to be built.

Who better to chose what products should be built than the people who would use them.

- Step by step with the chosen contestant and his or her idea the panel of ten would build the company on the game show (A daily show).

- My self and the co-host would be protagonists and
co creators, stimulating and cajoling the prose’s of
of company creation forward.
    Potential show itinerary
1st News of our news. Progress reports.

2nd  Order of  business, list of ten of the highest priority projects unfinished from the last show. 

3rd  Co hosts coach viewers on the importance of social networking and the impact they can have.

4th Co host and panel of ten start the progression of the company building prose’s.

Hear is an example of a company we could build on
The game show.

1) Partner with a land owner.

2) Use flash crowds to install organic crops, such as orchards and other row crops.( using social networks)

3) Use flash crowds to harvest crops.

4)Organize a student body to manage farm.

4) promote the farm, tourism/ sponsors / partners.

5) Find another land owner to partner with and install
Another farm.


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