Friday, March 30, 2012

Dose fear got you by the nunu ?

“We have nothing to fear except fear it’s self.”
If  we have fear in our hearts all we see is the dangers lurking in every corner, perceived fear mind you. Slowly that fear turns into a bent view of the world, paranoia, an error of perception, a compound error of comprehension. I believe that Paranoia is twisting society right now, Its got society by the nunu. Paranoia, has long been used by kings, governments and churches to manipulate the people, some times in concert.
This latest killing in Florida is evidence of
A fear of clothing (possibly motivated by more than the ignorance of a clothing classification).  I have a solution for that lets all go naked. Silly, maybe not, lets make a law to out law hoodies.  Then we can track the numbers of sickness and wonder why all of a sudden colds are killing more construction workers and homeless people in the winter. That sounds like good fear based law. Sign me up.****** get a pair America. Get involved in your community
chase fear out of your neighborhood. Chase
Fear out of your mind.
When I am creatively thinking I can hold multiple thoughts in my mind at one time, but when I am fearful, fear fills all of my mind, no space for creativity. The more things you assign meaning to in a fearful way, the more closed your world becomes. Be careful how much negative meaning you cast out on the world. Before long you will be locked away in your fear.


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