Friday, March 30, 2012

Dose fear got you by the nunu ?

“We have nothing to fear except fear it’s self.”
If  we have fear in our hearts all we see is the dangers lurking in every corner, perceived fear mind you. Slowly that fear turns into a bent view of the world, paranoia, an error of perception, a compound error of comprehension. I believe that Paranoia is twisting society right now, Its got society by the nunu. Paranoia, has long been used by kings, governments and churches to manipulate the people, some times in concert.
This latest killing in Florida is evidence of
A fear of clothing (possibly motivated by more than the ignorance of a clothing classification).  I have a solution for that lets all go naked. Silly, maybe not, lets make a law to out law hoodies.  Then we can track the numbers of sickness and wonder why all of a sudden colds are killing more construction workers and homeless people in the winter. That sounds like good fear based law. Sign me up.****** get a pair America. Get involved in your community
chase fear out of your neighborhood. Chase
Fear out of your mind.
When I am creatively thinking I can hold multiple thoughts in my mind at one time, but when I am fearful, fear fills all of my mind, no space for creativity. The more things you assign meaning to in a fearful way, the more closed your world becomes. Be careful how much negative meaning you cast out on the world. Before long you will be locked away in your fear.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Flash crowd community renewal project home.

Localizing; Flash mob/ Flash crowd community renewal projects.

These are the links to the foundation of this conversation.

First conversation link;

Second conversation link;

 I don't know what will come of all this but it will be fun putting all of
my imagination into it. Hopefully explaining all my activities will
pass for a mild sense of entertainment, thought provoking I hope.

Lets soften the idea a little lets call it a "flash crowd", flash mob seams 
like it could be unpredictable and possibly intimidating to some.   
I am going to explain step by step how I am  creating and imagining this social network.
I value your input and participation, this project will not work without both.

         "Flash crowd community renewal projects".
The Glory goes to the crowd, to each human being in that crowd.

What I am going to do is link pages.

This blog;  is my news blog.

This page; "Flash crowd community renewal projects movement home"
Is the primary blog for the "Flash crowd community renewal projects movement".

This page; "Anderson CA Flash crowd community renewal projects"
 for example is the page for people Local to Anderson CA that want to participate
In a flash crowd community renewal project.

These are more pages that I have started to localize and jump start the
 "Flash crowd community renewal projects movement" with.

If you have a city or town you would like listed please make a comment below and any ideas for
projects the flash crowd can do in your neighborhood.

Anderson CA ;

Boise ID;

Chico CA; 

Eugene OR;


Portland OR;

Redding CA;

Redwood valley CA;

Sacramento CA;

San Francisco CA;

Seattle WA;

If you have a city or town you would like listed please make a comment below and any ideas for
projects the flash crowd can do in your neighborhood.

Follow for updates on flash crowd activity.

The Glory goes to the crowd, to each human being in that crowd.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Graceful World Change: Meaningful, Fun and Empowering

Graceful World Change: Meaningful, Fun and Empowering

I have heard that the next stage in world change, the big one,
is going to be to be one of grace and beauty.
I see world change occurring now in articles and applications on the internet.
I hear it in the vocabulary of people I interact with on a daily basis, in the news, and in movies.
You can hear the change coming in the new normal core vocabulary.
Carried on the lips and in the written words of humans is the cure.
The world is breaking loose of its dogmatic ideals and evolving around its living ideas.
The world is becoming aware of itself.
A world looking at itself as a world needing change and balance.

I have been developing ideas around graceful change, designing ideas to make real and meaningful change fun.
I have been testing these ideas in the social networks I am building.

First, I am an artist. I envision painting the world with a big brush. The brush I have chosen is flash mob applications.

A flash mob.
Google it, watch a flash mob on YouTube.
Flash mobs are large groups of people that coordinate their efforts on the internet.
Flash mobs organize and may choreograph their abstract expressions of art or acts, choose a location and time to meet,
and then perform as a flash mob.

Flash mob community renovation projects.

The idea I am developing now is a community trash removal flash mob.
This is how I imagine it working: Participants in the community take pictures of build-ups of trash in their neighborhoods.
The participants then down load their pictures to a localized flash mob website with the location of the trash build up.
Once a week a trash build-up site is chosen from the pictures of the citizen that reported trash.
The flash mob meets at the chosen site.
The flash mob removes all the trash and then films the activity, all within an hour or so.
The filmmakers then up load their videos of the flash (trash) mob onto YouTube to
raise awareness of litter and trash.
The flash mob filmmakers do audits of the trash removed, giving insight to the types of trash
that litter our communities, our roads, our rivers and our oceans. 
The idea is to be able to replicate this idea in any community with massive positive impact.

Installing organic orchards with flash mobs.

This is how I imagine it happening: Let's say we are going to plant an orchard. I envision participants going
to YouTube and watching a video on how to plant a tree.
At the end of the video, participants would take a short comprehension test.
After taking the test, they would receive a reservation number giving them a time and place
to attend and participate in the flash mob orchard planting.
An orchard is planted by the same people who one day may eat from it.

Harvesting crops with flash mobs.

Imagine the picking of an orchard or any variety of hand pick-able crops using flash mobs.
Of course, a YouTube video with a comprehension test would be a must for sanitary reasons
and picking methods. I imagine the flash mob picking could be choreographed to be graceful
(of coarse all filmed) so as not to damage the fruit or vegetable. A slow motion act of grace.

The act of participating in a flash mob gives the individual a feeling of being a part of some thing bigger
than oneself; a feeling of belonging. A sense of connection to the world and the people in it.

Thank you for your readership and following.Please share world wide.


Note: I have a follow-up story I will write later this week. I went to Shasta Community College
in Redding, CA and received a overwhelming response and interest. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

To Anonymous,from Anonymous

You are the sun to me.I noticed you glowing the first time we met,huum.
but just today your rays of light broke through my cloudy eyes.
I felt the warmth of your heart in your smile.
In your eyes i saw a clarity entwined with your soul.
These words lacking all lust are speaking from a foolish heart.
A foolish heart of and in this age.
I love so much of this world. Now, i love
 it so much more knowing you are in it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Using Flash mobs for community renewal projects.

If we are going to rebuild this nation we should start by cleaning up our work
area first.

Trash in our communities
Trash is building up in many communities across our nation. Large amounts of
trash is built up, along our roads, on our river banks and on our ocean beaches.
Storm drains run first to our creeks and rivers and then to the sea.
On our east coast cigarette butts all but pave side walks and choke storm drains.
Fast food wrappers, straws, plastic bottles, plastic grocery bags, drink cups and
plastic wrappers of every kind have infested our country. This same trash slowly
leaches out its poisons in to our water ways and fertile grounds. Ask not what
bitters the waters that were once sweet.

I am a carpenter by trade. When I start a new project I start by cleaning up my
work area and organizing my available resources, then I start building or
repairing, whatever the case may be. This process of clean up and organization
gives me more accurate information to plan and lay out my project and is key to
efficient completion. These same principles simple as they may be will work with the
same efficient magic in rebuilding and repairing our nation. Let's clean up our
nation first and then see where we are, make a new plan.

Just because you can't see under the ground does not mean nothing is happening
down there. The soil, the earth filters the water that makes it way down into our
aquifers and then eventually becomes the water we drink and bathe our children
and ourselves in. We are 98% water. The food we eat, plant or animal, is entirely
dependent on water .There is nothing more important than water to every one
and every thing.! This is a naked absolute truth.If we pollute water we are
betraying the one universal truth we know. The one true truth I know. Have a little
respect please, I am begging you, for the love of everything. Don't half haphazardly
cast your trash about, contain it ,take responsibility for it, take ownership of your
community, clean it, it will repay your spirit with a feeling of belonging. You will
be taking a stand and as you share your experiences with others you will be
embraced by the community and others will take a stand with you. The skies the
limit friend. Rebuild and rebirth your community, Discover and create a new
language of self respect.

The first step.
I don't just come begging, I have a potential solution
Have you ever heard of a flash mob? (If not Google it.)
Using flash mobs in conjunction with a website for smart phone citizen reporting,
Flash mobs organize and choose the location and time to remove trash from
the worst affected areas the citizens have reported.
With video cameras, trash bags and grabbers, the flash mob meets,
removes the trash and films the whole clean up in one hour.
That same day the filmmakers post the videos of the cleanup on YouTube
to raise awareness.
The added positive effect is that each participant gets to mingle and
strengthen their community first hand, creating an environment of a
human sense of belonging<.

That is it, that's the first step.

Please share this article with your friends and family's.
Thank you for your readership.

Seth Galli

My attorney and I are engaged in talks and the organization of a nonprofit
company that will document, raise awareness and organize the removal of trash.
I am in search of sponsors and donors. If you are interested please contact
me on my blog. I will refer you to my attorney. All donations and sponsorships
will be coordinated through him. Thanks again for your support as readers.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dear Tyranny and Injustice

(A letter to injustice and tyranny.
This letter is to all it irritates and all it inspires.)

Dear Tyranny and Injustice

 My soul trembles, i feel the pain of injustice in my heart.
How dare you disrespect my human right of dignity.
We are your masters, we are the people.
Step forward and be counted- for the people-not against.
There is no line,there is only people,people on earth at home.
The devouring of people will stop now!
Hear this roar echo in the heart of the people.
The human soul will swallow you tyranny.

As for corporations.
We the people enjoy your efficiency and structures of cooperation.
We the fortunate eat from your bowl, but mind your nobility,
we the people vote for you with our dollars,the peoples man hours!
Ye be Nobel chaps or we will vote you out!

People, audit the planet now, every recorded moment,
root out tyranny  and injustice, bring it in to the light.

We will no longer hide our faces or quiet our voices .
We will be thinking about you with clarity.
You will look us in our eyes. 
We will not have your fear.

You will chose your side.
Your indifference blinds you.
We, counted seven billion,are not as ignorant as your actions lead us to believe you think we are.

The peoples call is not revolution, our intelligence is beyond that.
We seek truth and a balanced justice in all matters hear on earth,
transparent for all to see, for all to chose , least not one!
We the people are evolving into our intelligence,maturing.
Seizing the day.

Tyranny lay down your weapons and tactics or we will gobble you up
with the same indifference you gave the people you were given the responsibility to steward.

Peace rains supreme now.
 Its day has come in the form of a letter to the peoples heart,
from one human to another to connect souls each to each other.

Share this with your brothers and sisters,your fathers and mothers.

 I am a voice from the wilderness of  humanity, an American son .

Thanks be to you human, every last one.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012




    There seams to be an overall lack of heroes out there or things would be different!

    i just spent some time in Philadelphia, i was humbled by the monuments of our for fathers, monuments of those who gave their lives so that we may have a chance in hell.
    They our for fathers gave us ;
    The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

    Further more Benjamen Franklin said:They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

    Indifference is the poison of the day.

    It seams as if we have a prom king contest in place of a race for a Qualified president.
    with, might i add a bunch of cheerleaders and groupies passing laws dogmatically, with absolutely no depth of vision into our future.We need a future for the people not against.

    We need to seek truth outside dogma!
    Think America, think for you life, for your freedom, for your children, for your honer.
    Communicate , collaborate, find the truth with in your self.
    If it is not transparent,It must go.
    My search for Truth.

    MY Question; Could government be reduced to a cell phone application? And why not?
    cant we vote, cant we audit for tax credits?

    A  American son.

Friday, March 2, 2012



I am attempting to restrain my self hear in these words, my heart, my breast of soul, shakes with rage,indignant rage, a rage only stirred by the boldness of ignorance and the indifference that accompanys it.

I am hear in Philadelphia where monuments of innumerable variety are on every corner,on every park.
Men of character, of valor; of nobility, of heart,those that paved the paths i walk in America with their blood.

In the Philadelphia museum of art,on the way to the bathroom,set at the end of the hall, an angel stands holding a stone tablet,inscribed on the tablet are these words;



                                          Philadelphia,the city of brotherly love. 

I was in a bar only hours ago, a rest from a cold windy walk,i was having a conversation with a male
of the human species. I would not call him a man.We were  talking about the documentary i am making about micro trash.A lady that was with him asked me asked me some questions about the kinds of trash i was filming. the conversation was liveley and both where engaged and inquisitive -
 I asked them what they thought caused people to be so unconscious as to litter- the lady asked if i had been to urope and that urope was spotless in comparison to the U.S. and that the experiance had humbled her.... The male said it was the black race..
I wished them well, paid for my beer and walked back to my hotel room.

                                                    It was Abraham Lincoln that said;
                                A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITS SELF CANNOT STAND.

                                                THESE TRUTHS BEING SELF EVIDENT.

Racial division ,racial blame, racism of any type, is not only Un-American it is inhuman and impotent of intelligence, it has no future. Any ideological dogmas or belief systems that divide humans or sets them,one different than the other against each-other,is the face of true evil.



Thats all i have to say about that.